Charter Review Committee


The City Charter is a legal document establishing Greenfield as a municipality, and it outlines the
organization, powers, functions, and essential procedures of City government, somewhat like a local constitution.

Every 10 years, on the year ending in a zero, a special committee called the Charter Review Committee is formed to revise, replace, or amend the Greenfield City Charter, often with the context of what is working, what needs to be fixed, and what is needed for the future. The committee works under the authority in City Charter section 8-1, the State Constitution, and Massachusetts General Law. At the end of the review process, but within the same year, the committee will file a report recommending any changes to the charter they have deemed necessary or desirable. At that point charter changes proceed under the process outlined in Massachusetts General Law.

No meetings currently scheduled.

Eight seats / Project duration
David Singer, Chair Project duration
Otis Wheeler, Co-Chair Project duration
Penny Ricketts, Ex-officio Project duration
Christine Forgey, City Council Project duration
Sheila Gilmour, City Council Project duration
Erin Donnally Drake Project duration
John Lunt Project duration
Alan Woods Project duration